This weekend, 9th & 10th July, we are running one of our fun ‘Introduction to massage’ 2-day courses. Led by experienced tutor Sarah Cohen, students will learn a range of holistic massage techniques and approaches enabling them to massage friends and family. By the end of the weekend students are brimming full of enthusiasm and keen to put their new-found skills into action. Some students go on to join our professional training Diploma course (next one starting Feb 2012) and some students just want to explore and have fun. For more info see my ‘Learn Massage’ page or for in-depth background to our approach see BCMB. The weekend is suitable for complete beginners and those who need refreshing. The main ingredients are fun, laughter, quality of touch and awareness – and of course great lunch at the famous Eco-cafe at The Fold. There are still a couple of places left – so do get in touch with Sarah Cohen if you’d like to join. We are also running another Introductory weekend course on 29th/30th October led by myself. Go on, take the plunge!